Monday, December 30, 2013

More of My Favorite Photo Tutorial and Photo DIY Resources

These are several of my favorite photo tutorial  and instructional sites.  The list was longer a year ago when I first made it, but several of the sites no longer exist.  The dead links have been removed.  It should also be noted that some of these sites are sponsored by camera shops or equipment manufactures, and as such, may contain a sales pitch.  While I'm not endorsing any of the products, I do fully endorse their tutorials, otherwise they would not have made my list.   A photography magazine with photo tips, techniques, workshops and online classes. An inspiring photography website to get educated and informed at   Photography Tips and Solutions BH inDepth  To help alleviate some of the “I want” pains, here are several articles that will teach you how to make your own homemade digital photography equipment and photography gadgets, from tripods to backdrop stands. Save money, get creative and have fun with these easy-to-follow do-it-yourself projects designed with the photographer in mind! Including DIY photography crafts to help you show off your photos in style!   Digital Photography Tutorials   Free Tutorials from   DIY photography - Digital Camera World Hacking Photography For The Love of It   Digital photography tips and tutorials for camera owners of all levels. Read by over 5 million people per month.   Diy Photography Stuff Diy Photography Tips Flash reviews Products Photography Basics   Free photography lessons for digital photographers. Great tips and tutorials to improve your photography skill.   photography - search Instructables - Explore the Biggest How To and DIY community where people make and share inspiring, entertaining, and useful projects, recipes, and hacks.   DIY Projects   ESSENTIALS For Photographers Ideas. Inspiration. Fun. Photography.   The web's most comprehensive site devoted to the art of landscape and nature photography using traditional as well as digital image processing techniques.   Photoflex Lighting School Photoflex   An assortment of photo tutorials and ideas.   Free photography tutorials. Improve your photograhy by starting with the basics.   The world's most popular free resource for learning how to use off-camera flash. is a free online resource for Studio Lighting for Photography. Site features information on Studio Lighting Equipment, tips, setup, technique and tutorials for portrait photography.   Product photography - how to improve your product photos

I May Be TOO Detail Oriented for Blogging

Just realized I haven't posted to this blog in almost a year.  When I left off, I was preparing a set of links to my favorite resources.  It started as a very simple project, then it got a little out of hand.  It turned into a meta tag scanned database of links to individual tutorials on a dozen different sites; THOUSANDS of articles, all searchable.  If you ever did that type of project, you probably know how the fine tuning and debugging can go on forever.  It was never quite ready.  So I'm going to find my original set of links and post them.  If I ever win the lottery and have all the free time in the world, I'll get back to my database.